Sunday, July 8, 2012

Just Flaunting My Popularity XD

  So I was on blogger today, and learned from a few respectable google searches that I am at the top of the second page of google when you search pro ana tips and tricks 2012.  I don't really know if thats a good thing but... Yay??  Also despite me living in the US, most of my views come from England. Cool!  I've also noticed that my members have doubled!!! Thank you so much, even though this is like an online diary I like to believe that people like me are reading it and that they can relate to what I'm going through.  The only thing is, I would love to say so much more to you but this blog is my secret.  No one even thinks I'm suffering so much every time I am faced with a meal.  Even if they do, even if they ask why it looks like I've lost weight, why I don't have a period I have an alibi: and I can't even share that with you.  I can't help but worrying that somebody I know or love or both will discover this and put the pieces together... is it really worth it being able to rant online if it puts your life as you know it now in jeprody?  I don't even know anymore and now this blog title is irrelevant... grrrrr.  I love you all for listening/reading, stay strong an acomplish your goals, no matter what others think!  random-facts-you-didn't-know-52
P.S. I have to try this... See you in about nine years (you can't while you're yelling, anyway how many calories can a cup of coffee have?? JK XD )


  1. You're on the top of the first page now!

    1. Awww shucks :) I'm choking up here ;) I saw your comment on my other post too .. I have now switched to Russian pointe encore just to let you know. You can do it girl- ballerinas unite! :) by the way you sound beautiful <3
